About Prime Glasses.
Purchasing information
Well it’s not because we offer you the biggest and best selection at the best prices. It can’t possibly be that we have free shipping nationwide and with a 30 day return policy. It definitely is not due to the fact that you can shop anywhere at any time since we never close! It must be all of the above – we offer easy, fast, reliable, and convenient service to get you what you want with only a few simple clicks. We work hard to try to brighten your day and give you our best smile so why wouldn’t you shop with us?
1) HOMEPAGE / CATALOGUE PAGE: Browse around our shop to find what you would like. Use our filters on the side to make the process easier. After you have found the perfect product, click on the product image which takes you through to the product page.

2) PRODUCT PAGE: Here you find all product specific information. Indicate the following:

3) CART PAGE: Review your order and make sure all the details are correct. If everything’s good to go, click on “Checkout”, otherwise click “Remove” or “Continue Shopping” to make changes to your current selection.
4) CHECKOUT PAGE: If you are a first time customer, select "Continue as new customer”. This will take you to a simple one-click checkout page. Simply add your billing and shipping details (name, address, etc), select your preferred payment method (Mastercard, Visa, or American Express) and review your order one last time. Once you’re sure everything is correct, click “Place My Order”. If you selected payment via Mastercard, Visa, or American Express, you will be redirected to one of our secure payment processing partners. And voila you’re done! That wasn’t too hard was it? If you’re still not convinced you did everything right, remember that you will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes after the final order. And you can always rely on our customer service team if you have any questions since we’re here to save the day.
If at any time you have a question, just give us a call at 020 7205 2992 or +44 737 573 7543
You must provide us with credible evidence of the alternative price in writing. This would include a web page or signed quote.
The total price, including all hidden costs such as VAT and shipping, must be less than that advertised at Prime Glasses..
The lower price must include the same warranty and guarantee terms.
The price elsewhere cannot be subject to a special offer, sale price or part of a specialised promotion.
We cannot match prices from auction sites or companies that have fallen into liquidation.
The specification of the frame and the lenses must be exactly the same, including size, colour, designer and model, as well as meeting the same prescription requirements.
The retailer/website offering the lower price must be based in the UK.
The retailer offering the item at the lowered price must have the item in stock.
Please note that Price Match cannot be combined with any other offers on our website.
A: Width: the total width of the frame.
B: Bridge: distance between the lenses.
C: Lens width: the width of the lenses.
D: Lens height: the height of the lenses.
E: Temple length: the length of the temples.
The measurements can help you determine if the frame will fit your face. But I know you’re thinking how would you know these right?